Filthy Money

The goofy kid from Two and a Half Men is causing quite a stir with his comments about the show, isn't he?

Jake, or Angus T. Jones, as he's known in real life has had an awakening of sorts and he went off the other day about how people should stop watching his show because it's pure filth and will cause problems in eternity.

He collects $350,000 a week for appearing on the filthy freaking show.

Damn, that's a hypocrite, right?

I'm just trying to get my definitions straight.

And it's not that I don't agree with him.

There were times when I thought the show was clever, hell, even funny. Since Charlie Sheen left its become downright stupid, and Angus has a point:

It's filthy.

Yet it's pretty hard to be lectured about morality from a 19 year old kid who actually became a millionaire off of the filth that was being presented.

Has he given any of the money back?

Donated it to his church?

And what will happen to him when the show does leave the air following this season?

Does he think that he is going to suddenly be asked to do only films that have God in the title?

I'm not quite sure what to make of any of it. We have slid all the way down the slope. All of the shows that are on are usually about sex and violence. We can't stop that train. It's done left the station. Check in on any of the shows that are new.

Two Broke Girls is a horribly filthy show.

How I Met Your Mother is filthy and dumb.

Hell, even the cartoons are filthy these days.

But Angus sort of made a decision that was typical of the character that he played on the show:


He just threw the money away.

And part of me is proud of his stand. He took one. He might even be right, but he's certainly fighting a losing battle.

We've already been drawn to the filth.

Little House on the Prairie and Andy Griffith are long gone.

And perhaps we have damaged our collective minds.

I guess eternity will figure it all out.


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