Before I Know Who Wins

I'm writing this blog before knowing the winner of the presidential election.

You see, despite the sound of the news a lot has changed in four years.

I recall being so into the last presidential election, fighting for what and who I thought was right, and there were so many polarizing figures in the battle back then.

I really wanted it to turn out one way.

This time, for some reason, it didn't shake me up so much because I got tired.

I got tired of the same old arguments.

We want our guns versus we want your guns.

Don't tell me what to do with my body versus what is the moral right.

Gay marriage. Adam and Steve.

How many times can you argue those points with people who don't want to change their point of view?

And then I grew tired of:

"It was his fault, not his fault."

"No new Taxes."

"Healthcare is for everyone versus I ain't paying for the deadbeats."

So where did I stand as the election played out?

Remember I am writing this before a winner is declared.

Where I stand is:


No matter who wins.

Stop the bitching.

Help the guy who wins work as a public servant to get things done.

Stop the fighting.

Keep your complaints to yourself.


It isn't Red versus Blue. This isn't a football game for you to cheer for one team and hate the other.

There's too much at stake.

We are the United States of America not the Blue and Red States of America.

If your guy lost, do me a favor and step it up a little bit. Bitch in silence, and bring a bit of respect back in your future discussions.

That's what I am aiming to do.


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