Setting a Goal

This woman has set a personal goal. All of your best motivational speakers tell you to focus on what you want to do, and then no matter what stands in your way, get the job done.

Problem being...this woman wants to become the fattest woman in the world.

I'm not sure how much she weighs now or how much she needs to gain to achieve her goal because the newspaper article showed her weight in kilos and I was too lazy to learn the translation.

I'm guessing she weighs, oh say,.....a lot. A half-ton. She needs to gain about a quarter ton to reach her desired weight.

A few years ago she became the Guinness Record holder in the fattest woman to ever give birth - there were thirty doctors at her delivery - and please don't get me started as to who was there for the conception...

...but without naming names...I'm thinking I might have went to college with him.

The diet she is on calls for 12,000 calories per day. Now I like to eat, but I'm guessing I couldn't do even half that even on a pasta Sunday.

I can't believe that this is how this woman wants to get famous, but here's hoping she makes it and can celebrate with a half a cow or something.

Makes you feel less guilty about sneaking those couple of Oero's, doesn't it?


And the world just keeps on turning....


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