A Couple of Glimpses

I was sort of dreading the moment - the moment in the mass when the reader says - "We remember Jeffrey Fazzolari....

I shook my head in dismissal of the words, said a prayer, and turned to see all of the family members gathered.

Carrie Lynn was holding her son, Tony. He was smiling at her, making a funny face, and moments after the words hit my heart, he kissed Carrie, and hugged her tight. Carrie had a huge smile on her face.

I smiled too.

My wife, of course, was beside me. She wiped away a tear as she kissed me and offered me peace. Peace. Yeah, peace please...

Ten minutes later I was at the front of the church, waiting to take communion. My mother was handing out the host as a Eucharistic Minister in the other line. I was glad that I wasn't in her line because looking at the determination in her face, and knowing how much her heart was breaking...

I didn't want her to see the tears in my eyes.

It was too beautiful to consider. The faith, the hope, the love, the determination to keep going, and to stand in front of the church despite her anger at what happened.

My back felt better.

My heart felt better.

Too much sadness, but a glimpse into moving ahead. Steeling ourselves in the face of despair.

I'd forgotten to do that before.

God help us so we can continue to do that now.

Three strong women, showing me the way...


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