Our Bright Future...

...is in the past (stealing a line from Tracy Chapman)

And that line has been fluttering through my head as I get continually pounded by people who want to know how I feel about Obama giving our counrty away.

I suppose my mostly liberal slant in the past bothers others. Frankly, I could care less.

Point One - Healthcare has been a problem since Roosevelt - every president except for W.Bush took a shot at it - Nixon had a plan that was more liberal than Obama's but didn't get it through because he lied.

Clinton tried - couldn't get it through because he lied.

W. Bush didn't try - he was too busy lying.

So there we have it - Obama hasn't been caught lying yet - he got it through.

He was creative in getting it through the House and Senate - sort of like the war vote - but W did have some backing then because he lied about his info.

Point two - Thirty-Six million Americans need healthcare - nothing worse than watching a loved one die because you can't afford the medicine - those being critical should think of that - we're all riders on this train.

Point Three - What about the future? Our kids will be paying for this forever - yeah, they will - just like they will pay for the grand search for weapons of mass destruction - that cost more, didn't it? Whatever - our bright future is in the past.

Point Four - We could have handled paying for this if we didn't have to bail out the corporations that had members stealing money hand over fist. Lying, cheating and lying some more galls me more than anything.

Point Five - I ain't all for this thing - I don't have enough information - I hear it's a massive bill and I most likely won't ever read it (much like the members of Congress in that regard) - I have to have faith in the leaders, but that hasn't worked in the past, right.

I am skeptical. I am tired of busting my ass every day to help those getting freebies. Obama hasn't completely won me over, but he hasn't lost me yet - I'll get there with the first big lie.

Point Six - I will continue to vote and hope and try to trumpet the country at every turn.

I only have a couple of real wishes that I need fulfilled - 1). No more Bush Presidents and 2). No Sarah Freaking Palin.

Other than that - the NCAA's are still going on and all four of my final four teams are left - rumor has it I'm doing way better than Obama.

He picked Kansas.


Stacey said…
Wow, Thank YOU! You said everything that I feel/believe but haven't said because I am surrounded by doubters and haters. I never liked Bush but never put down those who worshiped him. I voted for and support Obama and yet have heard nothing but venom and hate towards me. What gives?! Why can't we support our country instead of bringing each other down? As you know, life is short and you never know when it will change drastically. Death comes to all. Enjoy LIFE!! And care for each other.
Gag said…
we'll have to discuss this over the Jameson.

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