Top Ten

This time of year is famous for lists. There's a list for the greatest moments, a list for the worst moments and a list for all the moments in between.

My all-time favorite list was from Letterman back about twenty years ago. He had the top ten numbers from one to ten.

Then he goes... number 10 - 6, number 9 - 4, number 8 - 7

Pretty funny by the time he got to number one - which I believe was one.

Anyway, I find that I always look at the lists and put my own spin on things.

Top ten greatest rock bands? Bruce and the Stones better be way up there.

Top 10 songs of all-time - spare me the Highway to Heaven crap - they stole every note of that song. Look at Imagine, or anything by the Beatles.

Top 10 athletes - spare me Cheetah and Lance Armstrong and Michael Phelps - I can swim, par a hole, and ride a bike.

Give me Pujols hitting a 100 mph 400 feet (I can't do that), a football player doing a 40-yard dash in under six minutes (I can't do that), or a hockey player even standing up on skates (I can't do that either).

Top ten movies of all-time? The Godfather better be on that list.

Top ten books? Something by Steinbeck better be mentioned.

Top 10 radio personalities? Rush better not be on the list - no one else but Howard at number 1.

Top 10 reasons to end this blog?

"It blows" better be in the top three.

Incidentally, my top ten numbers from one to ten goes like this:

7,4,2,3,9,0,1,6,5, and 8

I hate 8.


deafjeff said…
Wh the hate for 8? Is it because you look like an 8? Or more likely the fact that 8 is what you get on most golf holes?
John said…
you mean "Stairway to Heaven?"
Cliff Fazzolari said…
Yeah Stairway to Heaven...and Pops that is a great reason for hating eight - no one wants the snowman on the golf card.

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