Men Are More Evolved!

Topping the news today there is a study out that says that men, due to the evolution of the Y chromosome are more evolved than:

Ahem, ahem....women.

Now this may surprise the females in the crowd who believe that women are actually the more evolved creature, but I have to tell you, I'm not even a little bit surprised.

I'm not making it up - don't be mad at me - it's in the news.

There's also some mumbo-jumbo about the report not being the set-in-stone end of the debate, but I skipped over that part.

Men are more evolved! End of story.

Women don't even have the Y chromosome - they are stuck with two X's or something way down on the evolutionary ladder.

As a matter of fact, I think the article said that the closest creature to men on the evolutionary chain was some sort of monkey.

So it goes - man...then monkey...

then Ahem, ahem...women

...Then what? Amobeas?

I only report the news. I don't make it up.

Sorry women - next time you call us apes, you better stop and think about it.


Larry L said…
I am glad I do not live with you!
He might be living with you soon enough...
kathy said…
He knows who is more evolved.
Feeby Neko said…
Lol, gotta give some credit for being blunt and brave.

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