She Was Picking On Me!

Last February a man who lives about seven miles from me was arrested for literally cutting his wife's head off. The crime shocked and horrified the entire county, and made everyone wonder how the hell someone could do that to another person.

Now we know...

His defense attorney says that she was picking on him. He explained that the poor man was so humiliated by the mental abuse he took from the verbal beatdowns his wife inflicted upon him that he had no choice but to lop off her head.

Reeeeeeeallllly! (As Ace Ventura might say).

Does that mean I can do it because my wife says "okie dokie" too often?

It's not funny but you always hear about men claiming that their wives are verbally beating them down. Cowards use it for an excuse when they want to save a little money in the divorce suit. This wimp is claiming that it drove him so crazy that he had to react violently.

First off, isn't the verbal beatdown expected? Isn't that what we sign up for at the altar? Isn't it in the wedding vows somewhere?

"Do you take this woman in sickness or in health through the berating she's going to give you on a daily basis?"

I kid of course, my wife and I are respectful to one another, and the "okie dokie" is endearing after all this time.

I just can't imagine. Of all the lame excuses. Dude - there's no good reason to separate someone's head from their shoulders.

Go to jail...die there after suffering for 50 or so still made out way better than your abuser.


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