
My son Sam is an info-maniac. He loves all of it - Facebook, text messaging, talking on the phone, talking when he's not on the phone, and gathering enough information so that he has enough to talk about.

Over the weekend, we spent time watching the football games and although I tried hard to trip him up with information, he was there to handle it all. When the Bengals had a close play go against them during the 2nd half of their game I mentioned that they should challenge it.

"They already used two challanges," Sam said. "Not only can't they challenge, they are going to be hurting for time outs in the 4th quarter."

The kid knows more about football than Dick Jauron.

Then Kathy equipped their phone with text messages. For a long while Sam went back and forth trading insults with my sister and brother-in-law. His little thumbs were on fire as he tried to keep up.

All the while he talked to me about everything that came to mind.

Drifting away a bit and playing brickbreaker, I was just moments away from my all-time high score, but my phone buzzed and I failed to catch the ball.

"Bah!" I yelled. "I got a freaking text message while I was trying to set the record."

I went to retrieve the message as Sam scrambled off the couch and out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

Then I saw the message.

"Hi Dad," it said. "From Sam."

He'd been sitting three feet away. He'd talked to me for 48 hours straight, and he's sending texts that say "hi" in the middle of my brickbreaker game! It was worth a good chuckle.



The kids saw the commercial for Family Guy: "Mom, mommy, ma, mommy, mum, mom, mommy...." and I said "what!?" And I got the "Hi" and a bunch of giggles... aggravating but so worth the chuckles. Sam rocks!

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