
Let me set the scene, I was sitting on a beach chair, high on a balcony, with a full moon hanging in the sky, throwing light onto the water. It was just after midnight with the promise of a new day staring me in the face. The wife and kids were tucked safely into bed, and my sister had bailed just after I opened another Heineken Light.

I thought of all the days in my life leading up to that very moment, and I concentrated on just one star shining brightly. Over and over, the waves rolled into shore - not a violent collision by any means, but a relentless force that couldn't be stopped.

And I considered life through the clouded eyes of just the perfect amount of beer, music, and family. And I realized that it was still going to go - all of this was still going to continue and that the dark days of the past few months were eventually going to fade deep into the recesses of an over-tired mind.

And I thought about Easter and rising again. I thought of having faith renewed in a mindless numbing of waves. One after another, spaced just seconds apart. The sound of the thunderous water, offsetting the trouble rising behind my eyes.

And I considered all that had gone before - Adam begot..Simon. Simon begot Cain and Abel. Cain and Abel and on and on and on to Cliff begot Jacob and Sam and Sam begot..... Relentless... All with the same fate eventually being handed down by God for a reason. Some reason, well beyond mere mortal comprehension, but continuing. On and on and on and on.

Relentless as the waves rolling to the shore.


John said…
This needs to be published. Period.

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