What's the Sound of One Hand Clapping?

I suppose that we are all searching for enlightenment in one way or another. I find myself looking to the clouds as if there is an answer written up there somewhere. Trying to understand life has been a lifelong affliction of mine, and I don't suppose the past few weeks is going to break me of the habit.

Yet what good does it do to consider the consequences and balance out the difference between right and wrong if the whole universe seems to be some random lottery of sorts?

I can't help but feel the sorrow of the most recent number of people who were innocent people shot and killed by one rampaging lunatic or another. I can't help it, that's who I am and it hurts to think that every third of fourth day there are mass killings that we won't even recall three months from now.

There was another plane crash yesterday and 7 of the 14 people killed were children. Imagine the hurt and despair that a single incident caused.

And I think of all the moments in my life when I escaped one catastrophe or another -I distinctly recall spinning across the Thruway in the wrong direction and getting hit by a little Toyota instead of the semi tractor-trailer coming right behind it. Was I lucky or just not on that day's list?

The sun is shining bright and I'm still trying to unravel the mystery and swim through the despair.

If I knew what one hand clapping sounded like I'd most certainly share it with you through this blog. Chances are, I'll never figure it out.

And neither will you.


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