Attacking the Prosecutor

They updated the indictments against Putin Jr. and it appears that he gave an order to destroy the server at his broken down resort in Florida.

Isn’t that ironic?

So, let’s recap his defense:

1). He was entitled to take the classified information.

2). He declassified it by just thinking about it.

3). It was planted.

4). He returned everything, but he wants it back because it’s his.

Anyone following along should come to one conclusion.

He’s a liar.

Yet, that’s not even what caught my eye about the story.

He responded to the new indictments by attacking Jack Smith the lead prosecutor.

Which is a tad insane, no?

That’s like being pulled over by a cop who approaches the side window and says:

“Do you know why I stopped you?”

And you answer:

“Because you’re an asshole?”

There is a nickname too.

“I call him deranged Jack Smith.”

He also calls Garland:

“Merit-less Garland.”

So clever.

How long do you think it takes him to come up with a nickname for one of his former friends?

His ex-hires are all calling him out:

Bolton, Kelly, Christie, Meadows.

They’re saying that even Rudy has flipped…

…and if Deranged Jack Smith has an indictment to spare I truly hope he hurls one at Rudy because what he did to those poor women electors in Georgia was despicable…

…he recently testified that he was lying. In the same breath, he said that he had a constitutional right to lie.


All of it.

And the indictments will continue to fly and eventually, the piper will be paid.

The Feds don’t bring cases that they don’t intend on winning.

All nicknames aside, Donny is waist deep in a big muddy. 

Thank God.


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