Reasonable Imitation

Played golf on Saturday with my buddies from Raulli in Syracuse.

Kind of funny, but I started doing safety for them back in 1997.

A month later they tipped a huge crane over in downtown Syracuse.

Front page of the paper stuff.

The guy to the right of me in the photo saw me that day and in the middle of the devastation (no one was hurt) said:

“We will someday be better for having gone through this.”

An amazing thing to say in the middle of a bad spot.

Yesterday he said:

“What company keeps a safety guy for 25 years?”

I asked for a watch.

And the golf was fun.

Strange though because I played with all of them 25 years ago.

None of us move the same anymore!

But I know my role.

I entered the hall for dinner and boldly announced that we could have won had I not had to carry 3 invalids on my back for 18 holes.

Got some laughs.

Shook every hand on the way out of the place.

Just good people.

And the company is better for having to deal with that day so long ago because they worked at getting better.

Man, it was hot out there!


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