The Queen

As I approached the finish line...sweat pouring down my back, hunger gnawing at my insides, in desperate need of water and a trip to the porta-lav that was just beyond the line...I thought about collapsing.

But I had to go on.

For the cause.

For the women who've suffered.

For the tremendous people who were out there giving it their all.

You see the line right there in front of me, right?

Well, I crossed it.

It was before the start of the actual 5-K, mind you, but I put in a good 50 feet, walking with my family and friends who were preparing to run.

I made it to the lav and had two quick sandwiches before they returned from their jaunt.

I am an inspiration.


...if I could've joined the run I would have because take a friggin' look who was the race honoree! sister, Corinne.

And she's worked so hard through the years to be an inspiration that I was just so happy that she received a little recognition...and she'd be the first to tell you that it's about her team (and a great team it is), and it's about raising money for the cause. And it's sponsors like Bowman Farms...and it's about every single person who showed up there.

Yeah...even the guy with the bum wheels who just sat in a chair and ate sandwiches as he waited for the runners.

Yet I was also on Facebook and Twitter looking for news of the event and as I scrolled through:

(I'm such a worker)

There was Corinne and Chuck on my twitter feed. The photo was sent out by WGRZ-TV here in Buffalo:

How great is that?

It's not an over-paid football player driving his car into a restaurant, or news of the latest shooting.

It's a true superstar trying to help others.

What a concept!

Congrats to all who participated, and to my sister Corinne and bro Chuck.

Great work.


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