The Most Hated Man in America

A recent poll showed that the most hated man in America is:

Donald Sterling.

That is absolutely ridiculous.

Now don't get me wrong, what he said was deplorable, but he is an old, tired man who if he is mentally incompetent as they deemed him to be deserves our sympathy and not our scorn.

Dementia seems to have clouded his visions when they want to rip his $2 billion team from him, but not when he says silly things?

I'm kind of sympathetic to his plight at this point. His crime is that he is a racist, but a mentally incompetent one? If so then we sort of have to forgive him, not make him the most hated man in the country.

And more hated than:

Bernie Madoff?

That guy ruined a lot of lives. He stripped people of the retirement funds they had coming to them. He did it while of sound mind and he did it without concern for any of his victims.


Jerry Sandusky?

He was convicted of raping kids. For years and years and years. Certainly that's more worthy of our hate than a guy who said he didn't want Magic at the next Clippers game.


Aaron Hernandez.

He's now on the judicial hook for three murders. Two of his victims were gunned down because they had the gall to spill a drink on that raving lunatic.

And that's just off the top of my head. There are probably hundreds of more despicable characters than Donald Sterling.

A couple of other things also aggravate me about this list.

First, Howard Stern always finds a way onto the list.

That's deplorable.

Anyone that mentions Howard's name has never listened to the show. Listeners like me understand that he's not only not a man worthy of hate, he should be praised.

Leave Howard alone!

Yet what really bothers me is that there is a list like this at all.

I suppose it sells papers or gets hits on Twitter, but why do we have to spread the hate?

Why do we have to keep it all alive?

Sterling is an old man who said something stupid.

But we don't have to draw the hate out of the situation.

How about talking about the togetherness it brought about?

Hate sells, I guess.

I just wish they'd get it right.


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