Partly Cloudy


I must have been tired on Monday night because I woke up at a little after three on Tuesday morning and my light was on, my television was on, I was sleeping on two pillows and my telephone wasn't on the charger. To top it off, I was still holding the book I was reading and it was open to the page that I had been reading when I dozed.

I traced back my steps and realized that the Yankee game had just ended (they freaking lost), so it had to be around 10:15 when I literally passed the hell out.

So I fell asleep with everything on and I was still holding the book up in reading position when I woke up nearly five hours later?

What's up with that?

I was able to get to sleep after I shut everything down and I woke again at 5:30 to head off to work. I swung by the convenience store, with the dogs waiting in the car, to get the Buffalo News.

"How are you?" my friendly neighborhood cashier asked.

"I'm partly cloudy," I said.

She laughed.

Yet if I were to explain how I felt all day that would be the best explanation.

I felt partly cloudy all day, and while I had to do a bit of training and as I visited a couple of sites, I never could chase the feeling.

Later in the day an old buddy called me.

"How have you been feeling?" he asked. "How's the hip, leg, knee, back, ass...whatever the hell is going on?"

I laughed.

Then we talked about being banged up as we grew older.

"Well, at least we haven't had to deal with any life-threatening things," he said. "Now we just fall asleep earlier and piss a couple of times a night, but I hear it gets worse."

We laughed some more.

We talked about my Mom and his parents.

"So much shit to go through as you age," I said.

"There's an expiration date on all the parts," he said.

And I tried to think about that for a little while, but I didn't get very far with any of it.

I was still a bit cloudy from my rough night of rest.

A weird ass day!


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