Where's the Plane?

Seems like all I've been talking about all week are airplanes.

Fantasy baseball draft #1 is in the books.

Sam is getting all fired up for the NCAA College Hoops Tourney and the 27-Time World Champion Greatest Franchise in the History of Organized Sports:

The New York Yankees are gearing up for #28.

The new book hasn't yet arrived, but soon!

And all I can think about are freaking airplanes.

What the hell happened on the other side of the world?

The plane just flat-out disappeared?

And while there have been some wild ideas passed back and forth the chief concern, of course, is for the people who were on-board.

Are they safe?

Did aliens scoop in and grab the plane?

Are we talking terrorists again, or was it a crash landing somewhere?

Of course, the media is all over it as they should be. But I wonder if the wild theories are what's really necessary. The health and welfare of people on the airplanes is most important, right?

It's nothing but a tragedy where there is a sliver of hope. It is also stuff that movies are made of, but who in the hell would even take that script?

It's just preposterous.

It disappeared. It traveled for hours afterwards (they believe). There were people on-board with fake passports.

It's just way too much to try and comprehend and the saddest part of it all is the wild speculation by people who have no idea what might or what might not have happened.

I've tried not to speculate too much. I pray that those people are alive and well somewhere and that terrorism wasn't even a part of it, but I'm skeptical.

And it's sad to live in a world where even the true stories sound made-up.

I hope all questions are answered...soon...I can't imagine waiting on such news if a loved one was on such a trip.


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