Grab It All

I've had a bunch of long work days in a row and was set up to go to Syracuse and back on Friday morning. I made a conscious decision to listen to music all the way.

Some thoughts gathered:

1). I really enjoy the way Keith Richards plays the guitar and sometimes I forget that. His riffs are legendary though and take me back in time. Way back in some instances.

2). Natalie Maines has a beautiful voice.

3). It's easy to forget the fun things in life. As I drove listening to Bruce belt out This Is Your Sword from the new record, I thought of the kids and how much I want to protect them forever. I just want to grab them and hold them close and tell them these things:

Love with all your heart.

Grieve with everything you have.

Enjoy your days.

Laugh a lot.

Find a good companion.

4). Air Supply came on. I have one song by that band. Come What May. It's a song that makes me think of a great friend in my life. Lisa was the girl at college who started me thinking about living life the right way. She broke through the drunken haze and shook my mind a little.

I appreciated that and thought of her and hoped she was doing fine.

5). Not to be outdone Loose Change by Springsteen followed.

It's a song about a guy who's lost along the way, finds someone who he initially dismisses as loose change in his pocket and then realizes 'trouble sure was looking fine'. It's a tremendous song and one that makes me appreciate my beautiful wife every single day. It makes me realize that I was able to grab the brass ring and that she knew it all way before I did.

6). John Mellencamp did two in a row and I screamed the words to the interior of the truck. Minutes to Memories was the perfect song at the perfect time.

It always is.

7). I thought of God a little bit when I heard Have I Told You Lately by Van Morrison. The song is an absolute prayer and one that I sing to my Dad each time.

Grieve hard, kids.

Love your Dad every single day and missing him won't seem so bad because you'll know he grabbed every second of it and held it close. He knew how much he was loved. When they know, you don't have to tell them lately.

They know it every minute.

8). Neil Young did Harvest Moon and the wonderful melody made me think of being completely free in my thoughts. It's a slow, comfortable song with perfect lyrics. When we were strangers, I watched you from afar. When we were lovers, I loved you with all my heart.

All your heart, kids.

9). Barbara Streisand made an appearance and I didn't hear a single word she sang because all the while she sang it I thought of how beautiful and talented she sounded. How does one even make such a noise.

Like an angel.

10). Shangri-La by Mark Knopfler was the next song that hit me straight in the solar plexus.

All the heaven we got is right here where we are.

Grab it.

Every single day.

Hold it tightly.

Love with all your soul.

What a great day.


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