Happy Birthday Cort!

Kids have a way of knowing.

My kids absolutely adore their Aunt Corinne.

They laugh with her. They love being with her. They tell Corinne stories long after she leaves, and each is filled with a sense of awe and wonder.

They know what it was like for us as kids.

Now mind you, Corinne didn't always see us as natural extensions of her. When she was a teen and we set her up as our mark for the day she'd respond in kind.

She had a little nickname for her brothers and it will stay between us.

GET OUT OF HERE, YOU _______!!!

As we grew, of course, we all saw Corinne as the woman she is now:




Funny as hell.





Happy Birthday, Sis.

We love you every day.

And of course, I used to call her Cort.

She always responded with a nickname for me (Fill in the one missing letter):


(It's not an F).


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