Had Enough Duck Dynasty?

I must start by saying I'd never seen the show. I'm not much for the reality stuff.

Yet old Phil Robertson is getting attention, huh?

Some are clamoring for his right to free speech.

He received that. He said it. He's not in jail for expressing his opinion. So that's sort of out the window.

But he might lose the gig, right?

Well, that's his employer's right to choose. You can say whatever you want, but sometimes there are consequences, right? If any of us went on a similar rant we might face the loss of employment.

It's that simple.

As for what he said?

Who really cares?

He can say it. He can believe it. He can rent billboards and place them at every highway exit if he wants.

That doesn't mean he's right.

Doesn't mean he's wrong either.

Yet the thing that always galls me is when someone tries to impose their will on a large percentage of people who they don't know.

What if someone declared that pasta-eating Yankee fans were committing sins based on something they read?

Does that give him the right to declare me an infidel?

Simply put...your beliefs are your own.

You believe that God condemns homosexuals? You believe it so strongly that you're willing to risk your job for it?


Go for it.

Don't be a homosexual and you'll be in the clear.

You're on a personal journey for salvation...so keep it personal.

You don't get points for grading others on their own personal quests.

Folks, we're all different.

We all have ideas on what is right and wrong.

We all should aspire to apply those decisions and choices in our own lives. Perhaps we can even speak about them. We're certainly free to do that, but judging others is a slippery slope.

Where's the line drawn?

Perhaps you don't agree with what someone doesn't like to wear. Your decision?

Robertson is angry because people are judging his right to a freedom, but his condemnation did the very same thing, didn't it?

The Bible says that all women who weren't virgins at the time of their marriage should be stoned to death.

Wouldn't that be interesting?

Good luck to Phil and his family. Before you feel sorry for him, remember one thing:

He made his bed by stepping out against a large group of people he is in no position to judge.

You get what you get.


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