Woof, Woof

Did you read about the star linebacker from one of the colleges who was arrested over the weekend?

His arrest caused him to be suspended as it was his second arrest in a short time.

Know what he was arrested for?

You'll never guess.

Seems the young man was walking down the street, minding his own business when the police dog who was locked in the car with the window open barked at him.

So the guy barked back.

"The dog made a woof-woof noise," the linebacker said. "So I barked back and he went nuts."

The cops intervened and tried to figure out why the dog was going absolutely bat shit.

The linebacker got lippy.

The cops threw him against the car and later added a resisting arrest charge.

Since the school doesn't want the bad pub they suspended the player.

He got arrested for barking back at a dog!!!

And now...

The baseball suspensions are coming down for the steroid scandal. Ryan Fraud of the Brewers finally admitted to his use. Last year he tortured the guy who collected his tainted specimen. This year he's begging for forgiveness.

And we have A-Rod.

He's been barking all along that he hasn't done anything wrong since the last time he got caught doing crap wrong.

And he's the one who really grates on me, of course, because he's a current member (non-playing member) of the 27-Time World Champion Greatest Franchise in the History of Organized Sports - and he's an absolute embarrassment.

How does that happen?

My sons don't know much about A-Rod except that he is paid a ton of money, has two bad hips, doesn't hit in the playoffs and is an all-around slug of a man who lies every time he opens his mouth.

"He's a joke!" Jake proclaimed the other day as a way to bash the aforementioned wonderful franchise.

And I have to ask you a question:

Would you lie, cheat and steal to get ahead in life?

A-Rod got two contracts worth about $400 million dollars.

He was cheating a lot of the time.

He gave up all the good will. He was a tremendous player at one time. He pissed it all the way for the big money.

What would you do?

If steroids made you better at your job would you take them, lie about it, and bark back against all your accusers?

There's actually only one decent being in this entire blog, isn't there?


The dog.



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