The 4th of July Top Ten

Every year they run the old best rock songs from 500 to 1 or some crap like that. It is mildly interesting to follow along, but I always get pissed when I see Born To Run at 25 and Stairway to Heaven or Hey Jude fighting for number 1.

So we are going with my top ten.

Not individual songs, mind you, but overall bands.

You may not be surprised by number 1.

But it's my Top Ten.

Number 10 - U2 and Bob Seger - I couldn't leave one of the two out, so I put 'em both in. (Like I've said, it's my list. I can do what I want). There are moments when a song by either of these two is the perfect song at the perfect time. My favorite U2 song is It's a Beautiful Day. My favorite Seger song is Roll Me away.

Number 9 - Bob Dylan - Just a great writer. There are single lines in single songs that just make you go, "Oh crap! That's brilliant." I know a ton of people who shudder when his voice comes through the speakers, but he sings enough to make it worth listening to. I love the song Sara. He actually sang the hell out of it, and the writing is awesome.

Number 8 - Pink Floyd - A bit low on the list, but that's because their songs are sort of stripped down when taken out of the context of the album, but when taken all together Waters is a genius. I'm a Final Cut lover, but it's hard to choose just one song. (And I ain't even a pot smoker! I hear it's even better with weed).

Number 7 - The Who - There was a day when they were in the top 3 - and they were still the best band at the Hurricane relief concert. Townsend is amazing and one of the top five all-time as a rocker. A best song is difficult, but Bargain, was always one I loved.

Number 6 - Van Morrison - Tremendous writer. The music is just so relaxing or so upbeat. He really made me think a lot through the years and is great to have on in the background during writing sessions. I love the song Enlightenment. What's the sound of one hand clapping?

Number 5 - The Beatles - You know all of it. What gets me about it is that some 40 years later if they put out any of their albums it would still go to number one. A Day in A Life is my favorite. John Lennon was my favorite Beatle, but they were all remarkable.

Number 4 - John Mellencamp - It's my list! I love JC - always have. He could sing the ABC's and I'd buy it. We saw him live a couple of times and he's cooler than Fonzie. He's the one rocker I'd like to have a beer with - even over Bruce! Minutes to Memories might be in the top 3 of all songs all-time and he did it live when I was there. I almost passed out like one of those women at a Beatles show. Great writer.

Number 3 - Mark Knopfler - There are days when Knopfler is number two, or even number one. I can listen to him play the guitar for 100 hours straight and I don't believe he's recorded anything I haven't purchased. If you don't have his solo albums you're really missing out. Seeing him perform live with my brother John there was way up there on the list. So difficult to choose a favorite song, but gun to my head - Telegraph Road - just an epic song.

Number 2 - The Rolling Stones - They were Bruce for me before the Born to Run album. I remember arguing with my buddies. They were better than The Who and The Beatles in my eyes. I still think so. They were so weird! But man, when the I-pod spits out one of their rockers I can't turn it up high enough. I love so many but Tumbling Dice has to be the favorite.

Number 1 - Bruce - Has there ever been a less anticipated number 1? Bruce's music is a part of my life, and a part of the family and the number one topic with a lot of my old friends. He's the greatest American writer since Mark Twain. He's the greatest live performer of all-time. He's always seemed to do the right thing (women problems aside, but I told him he shouldn't marry that Hollywood gal), and while I want to choose Leah in this spot, I have to go with The Promised Land as my favorite song.

The Dogs on Main Street Howl 'cause they understand.


Matt Snell said…
You forgot Zeppelin and Arcade Fire

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