Protect and Serve

We are all sort of fascinated with the life of cops, aren't we?

When we're young boys we wanted to grow up to be one.

Well, I didn't.

I've always been extremely cowardly.

We watch television shows that speak of the profession.

Think about it. How many cop-themed shows have you watched in your life?

And in our own lives, we sort of shy away from them, hoping that we never have to speak to them.

I've never had the cuffs on me (professionally), which is a good thing considering I'm well into my fourth decade, and I'm thinking I'll get through life in such a manner. I have had a few traffic tickets, of course, but I've always tried to be respectful.

They have a job to do. They aren't picking on little old me. 65 is 65...not 77. I've usually deserved it.

(And I know what you're thinking with that professionally thing...I wish...when we were kids we had a set of cuffs).

Yet there are a couple of officers in the news in recent days and it sort of sums all of it up for me in the way we are fascinated.

Patty Parete died this past week. The circumstances of the direct cause of her death are sketchy but now that her life is over the last couple of years was a living hell. You see, she was a Buffalo police officer who was shot in the line of duty, and paralyzed because of it. We all felt badly for her. We all wished that she'd make a full recovery, but it was not to be.

She gave up her life in an effort to protect and serve.

And that's why I am always respectful.

I have a good friend who is a police officer. He's a great guy, and I've known him all my life, and when we are together we talk about some of the shit he's seen out there. I admire his grit, I suppose, but he doesn't think much of it. It's just what he does for a living.

I'm amazed that they are paid so little, actually.

Yet there is a dark side.

Oh, before I get to Christopher Dorner...the cop who is target practicing on cops out in California...I have to tell you this story:

I went to a Sabres game in Buffalo back about 20 years ago. I came out of the game and headed for my car in the outdoor lot. My buddy Kimball was walking with me and he pointed ahead at my car.

"Did you leave all four doors open?" he asked.

Someone had opened them for me. They stole everything including the stereo right out of the dash.

Of course I was upset.

I headed to the police station and all out of breath I filed a report. The officer behind the desk glanced at the report and then returned his attention to the novel he was reading.

"That's it?" I asked, as he sort of dismissed me.

"Would you like me to run out and chase him down?" he asked.

I suppose not.

We both laughed.


There is a lost cop out on the loose as I type this. He's targeting other cops and he's shooting them down. The manhunt is extensive.

And he has fans on Facebook.

People are cheering him on. They hope that he can elude police, and hopefully get a few more.

And that's what is bugging me a lot today.

Think about the police officer and what he vows to do. Consider that each day may be his last. Like with any other thing the good ones don't get the headlines.

Unless they get shot.

The bad ones have their crimes magnified and in some cases glorified.

It's a confusing job to be sure.

I'm real glad I've been a true coward since I can remember. I'm even more thrilled that I've respected the profession each day.

RIP to Patty Parete. Thank you.

And to Christopher Dorner?

Justice will be served.

I'm truly not a fan.


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