It Takes All Kinds

I spent an hour and a half listening to a guy named Alex Jones talk about a whole bunch of things. Jones was on the Howard Stern Show and he secured the booking by going stark raving mad about gun control on Piers Morgan.

Now for the fun of it, I do listen to differing opinions from time to time. I say that Jones and I have different opinions because he appears crazy to me, and as we know, I have some real opinions of my own.

None of which are wrong.

In my head.

Jones not only is dead set against any sort of gun control. He believes a whole bunch of things like tyranny, and that the government allowed 9/11, and that breast cancer is a conspiracy to control population, and that we need to stockpile guns, food, and all sorts of other survival items because the government that is in now is indeed rogue and will be knocking on our doors soon, not only to grab our guns, but to shoot us to our death.

By the time that the interview was over my head hurt.

Jones cited a whole bunch of information that appears to be out there. He's been studying history for the last twenty years and he must have told us, a hundred times, that we can 'look it up.'

It's all real.

Howard was truly a great interviewer because after listening to Stern for the last 25 years I was well aware that his opinion certainly differed from the views he was hearing, but he let the guy talk.

Did you know that fish are bisexual?

Did you know that there are suicidal shrimp?

You can look it up.

I guess.

The Kennedy assassination was staged.

9/11 was an American strategy.

Cancer is desired by some people as population control.

Flu shots are a way to alter our minds and poison us.

It's all right there if you open your mind.

And oh yeah.

Buy your gun because the government is on the way to mess you up.

You can look it up.

Perhaps he's right.

I may be wrong.

But what an exhausting way to live.


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