Have Another Doughnut, You Fat Pig

Chris Christie was on Letterman this past week making fun of himself for being obese.

I sort of respect that.

In fact, he seems like a decent human being. He is a huge Springsteen fan. (The huge was unintentional), and he responded well during the hurricane crisis.

Add making fun of his own failings and I'm sort of with him.

Letterman had a great line of course:

"Governor Christie celebrated his 50th birthday recently and as he blew out the candles on his birthday cake he wished for another birthday cake."

Of course, someone jumped all over Christie telling him that his girth isn't funny and that he might just drop dead because of it.

I have news for the skinny folk of the world.

You'll be dropping dead too.

Courtesy of Redd Foxx:

"I hate the health nuts. Some day they're gonna' be laying in bed, dying of nothing."

Yet, it always struck me as weird that people just jump all over the people in the world that have a few extra pounds, and especially in this day and age.

We're getting awful big, America.

Yet the title of this blog is something a hockey coach, Jim Schoenfeld, once yelled at a hockey referee during an argument.

"Have another doughnut, you fat pig."


A lot of buddies of mine still yell this whenever things get rough, or a comeback is hard to find.

It's a classic put down, isn't it?

Yet I feel for the poor Governor. He must not be able to eat a single thing in public without someone staring at him, or counting the food he's gonna' put away.

And imagine if he ran for president.

My God, what SNL would do to him.

Chris Farley would have nailed that part.


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