Timmy Ho's & Mickey D's

McDonalds has 22 million visitors per day! If you figure everyone is spending 5 bucks, that's a cool hundred mil per day.

The other day I dared to drive by a Tim Horton's coffee here in Blasdell and I couldn't get by because the line for the drive-thru extended into the road.

I officially don't get it. McDonald's for me is an absolute last resort. Whenever I eat one of their hamburgers I feel as if I'm going to immediately vomit. If I don't it just sits in my stomach like a lead ball for the rest of the day. And I'm not a fan of anybody's French Fries.

As for coffee. It's freaking coffee! I chug a cup in the morning for something to do. I can't taste the difference between good coffee and bad coffee. I certainly won't wait on line for a cup of coffee at a drive-thru window.

I don't know. It's all about the fattening of America, and while I will never be mistaken for a model, I get my extra weight with good food.

Too much pasta? certainly.

Beer? Why not?

But coffee and donuts and Ronald McDonald?

Forget it.

$100 million a day.

We're freaking Mcfatbastards, huh?


Gag said…
I remember our freshmen year. I had 2 bucks and 2 coupons for buy one get one. Big Macs were on special for a buck. We jumped in that car of girls at the red light and they dropped us off at Mickey D's. We ate two Big Macs with nothing to drink. UUUUgggghhh.

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