I Woke Up Again

About 15 years ago I worked with a guy who was always complaining. My wife also worked with this guy and we used to laugh about his negative demeanor.

Kathy once asked him if the first thing out of his mouth in the morning was, "Oh shit, I woke up again."

I know the feeling.

I spent the evening on the road, in a hotel room with an uneven bed that was most likely filled with microscopic bugs biting at my ankles. My right leg was still bothering me, my mind wouldn't stop sending me memories, I was real tired, and to make it all worthwhile I was battling a cold.

Yeah, a freaking cold!

I thought of my sister's recent blog where she asked for relief from God above. I'm willing to bet that she didn't have a cold when she wrote that.

But I opened my eyes around five AM, and the tasks for the day presented themselves one after another, and I thought of that negative guy.

Oh shit, I woke up again.

And it's never that bad, but there certainly are days...

I'm about six hours away from walking in the front door at home. The dogs will go crazy when they see me. The kids will give me a nod from behind their X Box controllers, the Yankee game will just be starting, and my wife may even give me a hug.

There's leftover pasta in the fridge.

So, you see...there will be a little redemption...I just have to wade through the day to get there.

And God-willing I'll wake up again tomorrow.


Damn it Cliff. You know every time you get sick, I get sick! Great.

Hope you're feeling better. Take care of yourself.

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