This Is the Time

I-Pod listening on a long drive home. I have some Billy Joel on the dial and love the song This is the Time.

This is the time to remember because it will not last forever. These are the days to hold onto because we won't although we'll want to.

So the wheels started turning. When was that perfect moment? Did you take the moment into your hands?

I thought of the moment when I saw Jake born. What I saw of him first were his feet - he came out the right way, but for some reason or another it was his feet I saw first, and it was crazy to me that he had these perfect little feet. It caught me by surprise and made me gasp for a breath as though I'd just had the wind knocked out of me.

I've held that moment.

There was also the time when I saw Pam Anderson in a string bikini on a Miami beach. When I close my eyes that moment is right there.

But there are so, so many more.

And isn't it funny that when we are caught in a moment, we sort of tell ourselves to hang onto that moment so that we can draw it back to us when we need it most.

Some of my other favorite moments:

1). When the man at the head of my wedding ceremony asked if I'd come freely and soberly and my entire wedding party laughed.

2). When my father tripped over a coat stand in our apartment in California in an attempt to show me Willie Mays' basket catch. (We both had tried a few beers).

3). When the Yanks won the 2000 World Series and I hugged each of my brothers - one after another.

4). The trips to Baltimore to see the Yanks rip the O's - with Pops, Jeff, Fluff, Rosie, etc...We had fun at every game.

5). Every time I see my sisters.

6). Golfing with the Grape Apes.

7). Every day I am granted with my wife and the boys.

I hold those moments. I really do.

Life is full of moments. Remember yours.


Larry L said…
You saw Pam Anderson on the beach in a bikini?
Cliff Fazzolari said…
Yeah...and I know why she's a millionaire.

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