He's a Beast

I listened to a radio poll today that asked the question of involvement in the presidential race. The poll was something along the lines of: "Are you following the race closely, a little bit, or not at all."

Not surprisingly, most people reported to be disinterested. Why would they be interested, after all? Many of the people polled responded that it didn't matter who was in control because they were all the same.

I'm not quite that cynical. Yet I wonder if the same poll was conducted regarding the new American Idol season what the response would be. The presidential poll had 7% of those polled who responded positively to following the race closely. 7% of the people care? Scary.

Obama received a hell of an endorsement last week. It wasn't the union or the super delegates that inspired me - instead, it was the voice of my 14-year-old. "Vote for Obama," he told his mother. "He's a beast."

Now, I don't have anything against Obama as a candidate, but I needed more from Matt. "He's a beast" is his favorite phrase for every sports star, great singer, and good player on his own basketball teams. I'm not sure if a presidential candidate fits the mold.

"Why is he a beast?" I asked.

"He's the best one," Matt responded. "He's smart and he speaks well. He's a beast."

"Do you know where he stands on any of the issues?" I asked.

"Nope, but he's a beast," was the response.

"What about Clinton or McCain?" I asked.

"They're not beasts, they're garbage."

"Are you going to study about any of them?" I asked.

"Don't need to," he responded. "I know the difference between a beast and garbage."

I spent a long time shaking my head. My wife reminded me that he wasn't really voting, but I couldn't help but think that a lot of people choose a candidate in much the same manner.

I suppose that I'll keep reading and thinking about it, and I'll continue to be oblivious to the Idol contestants.

Perhaps I'll wind up voting for someone who is garbage, but Lord knows, we definitely need a beast this time around.


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