40's - The Age of Depression

I heard a report yesterday that said that people in their 40's are prone to depression. I instantly thought of the Springsteen line from the Promised Land -

"I've done my best to live the right way, I get up every morning and go to work each day, but your eyes go blind and your blood runs cold, sometimes I feel so weak I just want to explode."

That kind of sums up how I feel on Friday's in my 40's - but I usually garner enough energy again by Monday. Twenty years ago, Friday night meant happy hour which turned into happy weekend, and all remnants were gone by Sunday night.

It's a strange twist. In the same report it said that men are growing up a lot slower these days - it said that a lot of men in their 20's are playing video games and not in much of a hurry to accept responsibility. The article referred to these men as manchilds.

Life certainly has changed - my father had six kids by the time he hit his mid-thirties. He had built his own home, and had already been a productive member of a workforce for twenty some years. I can'timagine him sitting on his couch playing Madden.

Not sure where it all went wrong. I'm 43 - I'm not depressed - I feel like I'm in the middle of the week with a long glorious weekend coming up.

Yet if social security dries up, perhaps I will be more like the character in the Bruce song - I can't see sluffing off to work thirty years from now - I want to be on the couch playing MLB2038.


deafjeff said…
two more years for me buddy, I've got the depression already. I know I'll still be working 30 years from now. If Clemens stays on the juice, you will probably still be able to use him in MLB 2038.
Anonymous said…
It has been medically proved that depression is much more common among the people who are above the age of 40. The matter to worry is that there are several diseases that attack a person above the age of 40, as for example, heart ailments, diabetes, erectile dysfunction etc. These diseases sometimes make it unfit for the antidepressants like xanax to be prescribed to the patients above this age group. Most of the antidepressants have side effects that make them unfit to be prescribed to the patients who are multiple medications.

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