Wacky Week


1).Do you have your I-Phone 6?

Not sure, but it doesn't seem like such a big deal to me, however, there are tech geeks out there who line up for every new thing that is sent to market. I have an I-phone 4s, I believe, and it does what I need it to do...so why bother?

I don't want to talk to Siri.

I don't want a watch with the Internet on it.

I also don't want to pay $900 for an upgrade.

2). Really overloaded on the NFL debacle.

In fact, my boys were sitting around talking about the fact that ESPN is just beating it to death, as they do every story, as long as it has to do with the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE

(no wonder its the number one sport in the country - it's on constantly!).

Here was the exchange:

Jake: (Pretending to be a reporter on ESPN) - "This just in: she may have had it coming to her!"

(We laughed at the horror of his statement and how ESPN might just further the story).

Sam: (Also pretending to be an anchor) - "And now for more on this story we go to our field reporter, Nicole Brown Simpson...Nicole? Nicole?...Nicole? Nicole is no longer with us."

Yet what Sam and Jake did was show how ridiculous all of it is. The punch out happened about 8 months ago. The video has been out a week.

How many more times will it be played?

3). A Bad Week for Women

So, Oscar Pistorius was found Not Guilty of premeditated murder in the shooting death of his girlfriend. He was found responsible for something, I suppose, but we shall see if he gets prison time over this. The justice system is different over there, but I just never figured that he wouldn't just be sent straight to jail without passing go.

It's simply amazing what celebrity can do for you.

4). Back to War?

It's been a really long time since I watched a politician give a speech. Obama was on in the middle of the week and most of what I heard was:

"What about the AGT awards show?", or "Is Big Brother still on?"

We are war weary.

The Middle East disaster has been going on for a whole lot of years. We don't want to see our citizens captured. We don't know quite how to go about getting out of the mess we're in.

What did the president say, anyway?

5). U2 Gives Away Their Record

Woke up the other day and found out that the new U2 record was already in my I-Tunes library. Which was a good thing because I most likely would have paid for it had not U2 gave it to me for free.

Yet it begs the question...are all creative things produced by a creative mind just fair game? Shouldn't someone have to pay the band or the guy who creates?

Bono and the band got paid...somehow...of course...but if they are giving their shit away, or seemingly giving it away...who the hell wants to pay for the next work I produce?

"I read you book, someone loaned it to me," is the single shittiest sentence.

But it's a great record.

Thanks, Bono & Edge.


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