D.B. of the Week - The Burger King Guy

Haven't you always thought that the Burger "King" was a little disturbing looking? Remember when he was chasing people and crap?


Now, I'm not saying that Ronald McDonald isn't a little strange too, but that is one demented King there.

And he gets the D.B. of the week award because it has been widely reported that Burger King is merging with Tim Horton's because they want to move the operation to Canada to avoid paying taxes in the United States where they reportedly earn 60% of their vast empire.

This kind of stuff really pisses me off...

...and let me tell you why.

The tax loopholes are killing us.

The rich are getting richer, and they are not doing it on hard work and taking of risks, they are cheating the system.

We are making kings out of CEO's and we are doing it at the expense of...

...the freaking rest of us!

I can't even begin to think about the Fortune 500 companies who have their business out of the country so that they don't have to pay taxes.

And we all know how I feel about the NFL as a tax-exempt organization.

Yet, I may very well be dumber than the King in those awful commercials.

I may be less appealing on the subject than their pitiful burgers because I just don't understand.

Yet they can leave to save millions (and how much tax they are avoiding is widely debated) while they pay their employees slave wages as they hide behind the archaic minimum wage law.

They say those are starter jobs and not meant to be careers...

...but it's still people's time.

How can it be worth so little?

And the other problem?

A large percentage of their workers do have families and are trying to do something silly, like live off of the money they earn.

Yet, royalty wins out it seems.

I probably will get pooped all over with my ignorance on the tax law crap...


You can steal way more money in a suit than you can in sweat pants, but what do I know?

I never liked that King anyway.

Always thought he was a D.B.

Now it's confirmed.


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