Crack of Dawn

Read a story this morning about the ABC reporter who used to be Dawn Ennis.

This morning he's Don Ennis.

Back in May he went from Don to Dawn.

Now back to Don.


Think about his poor freaking wife.

You see, Don always believed that he was a man trapped in a woman's body. So through the years of his marriage and career he became convinced that he was living a lie.

So Don grew some breasts, put on an auburn wig and fed his friends a lifetime of one-liners by announcing to the world, and that shell-shocked wife of his, that from that moment on he was gonna' be Dawn.

He looked about what you'd expect.

Err, I mean She.

Well, Dawn stuck around for about three months.

I'm thinking it was too much of a chore to be a woman. I mean with those purses and shoes and bras and isolated moments of daydreaming that lead to hair-brained ideas about....

...whoops...better stop.

Don is back.

He said he had amnesia for three months.

He said that he's gonna' return to the men's room at work.

He told a few lame jokes.

His wife is standing by him.

Now that's love!

I can imagine that she spent a lot of lonely nights.

Awake at the crack of Dawn.

Wondering what went wrong.

Wanting to talk to the man she married.

And knowing that he had amnesia.

What a world, my friends.

What a world.


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