Claire Danes

I waver on my crushes of women who would love me if they just had the chance to meet me.

Alyssa Milano was a crush early on.

Who didn't know she'd be beautiful?

Same with Winnie Cooper.

I felt every single moment of angst that Kevin felt as he tried to get Winnie to love him.

But the title of the blog might be my all-time number one crush.

Okay...I laugh at my boys whenever they catch one of the reality shows with my beautiful wife. We are currently in the middle of the Big Brother series...and it's on the big television three times a week. I have sat there while it's played in the background, trying to think of clever things to write on Facebook.

I couldn't name a character on the show if you held a gun to my head.

But I had my Big Brother moment.

It was with the show: My So Called Life.

Claire Danes was the star and she was a high school girl trying to figure it out. As luck might have it she had a crush on Jared Leto. A good-looking guy, I'm told. I hated him. I hated when he kissed Angela. I didn't want her to have a boyfriend. He wasn't good enough for her. She was just a young girl trying to find her way and he was using her. Couldn't she see it? Why didn't her friends help her through it. I hated to see her cry!!

Okay. I'm back.


My beautiful wife paged through the movies. She played the trailer for the Claire Danes flick. I was a wee bit scared of the cheesy love story deal so I held back my approval.

But damn.

If worst came to worse I could just watch her act.

As luck might have it, the movie was good.

Claire was beautiful.

I even love that name.

Isn't it a pretty name?

I used it for the girl in my book In Real Life.

I wrote that book back in the mid-90's.

When I was watching A So Called Life.

So there's a secret for you.

I still hate Jared Leto.


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