Opinions, opinion, opinions

Saw on the news last night that DNA trapped another man who murdered a woman back in 1984. Seems like science has finally allowed us the chance to put the bad guys away.Too bad it didn't work with OJ.

Yet it brings me back to a Columbo episode where a wife killed her husband and made it look like the barbell he was lifting crushed his throat. She would have gotten away with it too, but when she dressed him in his gym shoes she tied the knots in the opposite fashion and Columbo caught her because the loops were wrong. I can remember feeling sorry for that woman - she had it all worked out and couldn't tie his shoes the right way. Don't mess with Columbo!

Had another dream last night - explain this one - I was having an affair with Jodi Foster who was dressed up in a UPS uniform. My wife was waiting outside, but never fear, I was in the clear because Doug and Deacon from King of Queens were watching the door for me. A few questions here - 1). Why do men seem to dream of Jodi Foster 2). Isn't she gay? and 3). Doug and Deacon - are you kidding me? What the hell does that dream mean?

I told my wife about it and she said - "Maybe you're regretting your decision of being married."
Another question - how the hell did she come up with that? Then, to top it off, she asked if I was waiting on a package.

Yeah and Jodi Foster is going to deliver it.

Obama is saying he won. Hilliary says its not over yet. McCain is on SNL. Bush makes an ass of himself abroad. Just another week in politics.

The Yankees in last place? I'll take wagers on whether or not they finish there. I'm a Yankee fan and read a wonderful stat today - they have finished last twice in over 100 years. Not this year either - sorry all you haters!

Told my son the story about the old bull and young bull standing on a hill. My wife had never heard the story and was horrified that I shared it - but it's a life's lesson for the youth. If you haven't heard it - comment and I'll tell it to you.

Where is the freaking sun?

Have a great Memorial Day - it's one of the underrated holidays - hopefully there's golf and fatty foods and beer in my immediate future.


nmallen said…
I have never heard the story...
Cliff Fazzolari said…
An old bull and a young bull are standing on a hill when they see a lovely group of cows sunning themselves in the pasture - the young bull says - "Let's run down and make love to one of them!" - The old bull replies - "Let's walk down and make love to them all."

Thanks for reading along!
deafjeff said…
Golf? Golf? Sign me up.
John said…
With fathers like ours the bull story was heard more than once. Fatty food??? Beer??? Golf??? Count me in with deafjeff, fatjeff, chefjeff, whoever.

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