Happy Birthday Mom!

I love going to breakfast with my Mom.

I've been to hundreds of breakfast outings with my mother and much like going to breakfast with my wife...I could probably order for her.

And then we talk about everything.

Books we've read, people in and around North Collins, kids, siblings, Dad, the dogs...

...anything and everything.

We catch up on everything over coffee and eggs.

Today is Mom's birthday, and if you see her, make sure she knows how special you want her day to be. If you don't see her today...give her a call.

Because she's one amazing lady.

Mom has seen it all through the years.

Kids who drove her crazy.

A husband who loved her like mad...and left way too early.

Grand kids who think she's really funny.

What amazes me the most as we share breakfast or as she eats pasta, or lobster or steak...

...is that she always searches for the best in someone...

...or the funny in the story.

I've said it before...

...no one I've ever met worked harder than my mother.

What's even better than that is that she works hard to find the good.

The story can be really bad, but Mom looks around it and puts a positive spin on it.

People love to be around people who see the world that way.

And I think about that every single day.

There's no way that a blog post can sum it all up for you.

But there's nothing I want more today than for everyone to reach out and make her day a little bit better...

...Because she does that every single day.

Happy Birthday, Mom!

We love you!


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