Happy 50th Rosie!

My college buddy Mike Palmer turned 50 years old on Friday.

That, obviously, is an old photo.

32+ years old to be exact.

Funny story, but when I arrived at Gannon University in August, 1982 I was a little scared. I was leaving North Collins where I had graduated high school just a couple of months before and I was going to really miss high school because I had a lot of great, close friends.

I didn't know more than one person who was heading to Gannon...the one guy I did know was Chris Miller...and I didn't even like him!

So I was lonely.

The first guy I met, other than my goofy roommate, was Mike Palmer. The second guy I met was Fluffy and the 3rd was Gag.

We've all remained friends for over 30 years.

And it's a truly easy friendship. We grew to know another so well that there isn't a single thing that happens that I don't know what my three buddies are thinking.

When Rosie sent me the above photo of the two of us a whole bunch of things went through my mind.

He's 50!!!!!

First off, I still say a few things that Rosie was fond of saying back then:

I told you a million times not to exaggerate.

His name is Eugene...I call him Euge for short (You're better off not knowing who he's talking about there).

If he's so hungry why doesn't he eat the fly on his face? (Quoting another friend...we were watching a commercial about starvation in Africa).

Secondly, I think of the fact that he got me thrown out of a class in my freshman year. The teacher's name was Miss Maust. He made me laugh by calling her 'Minnie Maust.'

I remember the time he walked out of the bathroom with my toothbrush in his mouth.

"Where's yours?" I screamed.

"I lost it two weeks ago," he answered.

Rosie had to leave school after just a year and a half, but he returned when I was a senior. His truck was packed with everything he owned and he asked if he could bunk on our floor for awhile. Of course he could.

He had his heart set on marrying a girl he hardly knew...but one he REALLY knew. They've been married for a long time and have a beautiful family and a great life together. He married way above his head, as well, Denise is a beautiful woman...and Rosie...well...

I can't believe the short, bald bastard is 50.

We were the Glimmer Twins back in college - he did a great Mick Jagger and I played the Keith Richards air guitar parts.

We both love Springsteen.

We both love the Yankees.

Mike spent time with my Dad, and my brothers love him as well.

He drove a long way when I needed him there to say goodbye to Jeff.

There were a lot of things shared during those first lonely nights at college. We talked about what kind of lives that we wanted to lead. We worked hard to get there.

And he made it to 50 first.

Happy Birthday, buddy.

I keep moving through the dark with you in my heart.


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