The Juice Update

Remember when OJ was a world class athlete?

He's looking a little doughy now, isn't he?

I really get a kick out of the people around Buffalo whenever the topic of Orenthal is raised.

This is what people say:

"I know he had problems after football, but man he was great."



Running out of money is a problem.

Having a trick knee is a problem.

Perhaps having the old homestead foreclosed or running into IRS trouble is a problem.

Gutting your ex-wife and her friend is more than a problem.

I'm embarrassed for Buffalo whenever I think of Orenthal.

They don't even have the balls to take his name down from the Wall of Fame at the old Ralph Wilson Stadium.

The official Bills stand is that what OJ did on the football field got him up on the wall and that hasn't changed.

Nice message for the kids.

Maybe they should post the photo of that fat disgrace next to his famous name.

What a joke.


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