The Grass Is Greener?

I was reading a story the other day about a woman from Pennsylvania who hit the road and didn't look back. She had two young children, a boy and a girl, had just quit her job because it wasn't fulfilling enough. She was also supposedly in a strong marriage. She fell apart in a park one day, met a couple of people who were heading for Florida.

She hitched a ride.

She never mentioned anything to her friends and family back in Pa.

11 years passed.

Somehow the law caught up with her and ran her ID. Turns out there had been a massive search for her. Her husband and kids had moved on, thinking that Mommy died.

I'm sure that we've all had that thought from time-to-time.

Just pack it in. Quit the job. Quit the whole freaking deal.

Yet very often we look across the fence at the bright green grass and when we get across the fence it's a bit on the brown side.

I'm not much of a quitter.

I sort of hate change.

Always moving ahead, and never looking back.

Life has certainly changed though. It used to be that people stayed in one job all of their days. They appreciated the opportunity they were given and looked to give back.

That's sort of changed, hasn't it?

Now it's about what they can get and how it affects their lives.

"The pussification of America," one of my old bosses once called it.

"I want, I want. I need, I need." I've often called it.

"How many sick days do I get?"

"What's the vacation schedule?"

"I worked an extra hour!"

I'm not the greatest corporate guy in the world but I do believe you should earn what you receive. That woman said she was tired of putting in the effort each day.

The grass isn't always greener.

Effort in is required.

That woman who ran away ended up homeless.

Her kids aren't all that interested in ever seeing her face.

I wonder if she thinks about her decision.

Sometimes we are fulfilled before we think we're not.

Be careful of what you wish for.

You might come up short.


Anonymous said…
Actually news reports indicated she was in the middle of a divorce and had a job that did not pay well. Her application for public assistance was declined and she felt she would not be able to support her children. Not that that excuses anything. Wouldn't you search for a better solution than bailing on your children if they were really your primary concern? I'm sort of assuming there has to be some sort of mental illness or extraordinarily low IQ involved.
deafjeff said…
Maybe she listened to Hungry Heart one too many times.

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