I Really Wish

An unstable man, (there are plenty of these types of men out there), posts a picture of his gun and a couple of other things on social media about wanting to kill police officers because of how he feels about recent events.

He then shoots his girlfriend in the stomach and drives across a couple of states and hundreds of miles.

He walks up to a police car, and simply assassinates two police officers.

Then he does what all the grandstanding cowards do...he kills himself.

Unfortunately there are so many shootings every night and there have been so many horrific murders this year...but this one had a truly gut-wrenching feel to it.

We all know what has happened with the cops over the past few months. We know that there are still so many people so upset.

Yet what I really wish is that we somehow could respond someway that doesn't make matters worse.

"This is on Obama and Al Sharpton!" one man wrote.


A crazed man shoots three people and it's about something more than the mental illness in that decision?

I understand that people who hate want to assign hate...but man, I really don't think that anyone with anything other than a troubled mind...was hoping that something like this might happen.

Certainly I am not a fan of those who fanned the flames in Ferguson, or in New York when men lost their lives while struggling with the police.

I really wish that there was no resisting on the streets, or cops who had to use deadly force, for any reason, or humans who didn't hesitate when shooting others. I wish looters didn't loot. I wish the uninformed would keep their mouths shut.

Wish after wish after wish.

Yet I also really wish that the talking heads weren't hired to take one side of an incident to further the subject.

Rudy Guiliani did just that on Sunday.

He also put the blame on those who protested the rulings in the Ferguson and New York City cases. He included Obama in the protest camp.

Now I'm not a Guiliani fan and most of that comes from the fact that he couldn't get enough camera time. He was everywhere after 9/11 taking credit for any and everything.

(In a situation where credit-taking felt wrong).

It has just rubbed me the wrong way for a whole lot of years.

So when he went on television and started tossing blame around, other than where it belonged, it was too much to take.

Find one speech where Obama encouraged violence.

He certainly didn't.

Not when the rulings came down.

He did not appear on television on Saturday and say a gleeful word.

In fact, like every other rational thinking human being I'm sure he was sick to his stomach.

Republican or Democartic doesn't matter here, Rudy.

So why?

Why fan the flames?

Why continue to ramp up hatred?

I really wish those things would stop.

I really, really wish that men would stop killing other men.

(Too much to wish in this season of wishes, I know).

So I will do the only thing I know how to do:

I will try to sharpen the peace in my own heart and mind.

I wish that a whole lot more people would do just that.

I really wish that would happen.


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