D.B. of the Week - Author Katelyn Carmen

I've been sitting on this D.B. of the Week for a few weeks.

Perhaps you never heard of the author of a blog - Katelyn Carmen.

She gives advice - not sure if it's solicited or not - on marriage. Recently she wrote an opinion piece on what makes a marriage work. I caught up with it in the Huffington Post.

And I'm all for saying whatever the hell you want.

I'm also all for opinions...

...but I also have the backs of my female readers and this piece sort of hit me as being D.B. worthy.


Carmen says that women are destroying their husbands because they employ five severely destructive things she says that will ultimately ruin a women's relationship with her husbands.

Carmen says that women should:

1). Always live within her husband's means.

2). Never complain.

3). Always put her husband first.

4). Use sex as a "sacred tool"


5). Never withhold sex.

So, I probably have a whole bunch of men out there wondering why I am giving her the D.B. of the Week award, right?

Men...she deserves a true award, right?

Well, women don't really care for such advice.

Let's listen:

"It turns out that while I've spent all these years trying to make us happy, I should have been worried about making him happy. Why? I don't know. Penis, I guess." - Meridith Bland on Mommyish.

"Never mind if you don't feel well of you're tired, or just not in the mood, your husband's needs surmount yours and it is your duty to give him all the pleasure he wants and needs." - Hemavathy DM Suppiah mockingly rephrasing Carmen's words.

My problem with all of it?

Well, there are no true guidelines on it and it just feels weird to me that a woman would write an article about women needing to serve their men.

What year is this?

"Never complain?"

That was the one that sort of got me...

In all seriousness there are men out there who treat women like a humping and beating post. Women don't deserve to be lumped into a situation where they are classified as servants who work for men.

You want to write an advice column on men-women relationships?

Two words:

Mutual respect.

That's it.

You can both complain.

You can both desire and deliver love-making.

No one is "first".

And of course, the financial advice is sound, but who makes more money in a relationship isn't the be-all and end-all of who should "be in charge."

"It's not your world."

Jake used to say that to someone who was being selfish.

Men and women need to understand that in a relationship.

It's both of your worlds.

Respect each other's wants and needs.


So...that's my problem with it.

Carmen did write a piece that ignited debate.

Some of it was silly.

And that's my opinion.


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