Unrequited Love

So, Bruce made fun of Governor Christie of New Jersey on a recent Jimmy Fallon Show.

It was kinda' funny, actually, but it didn't go over so well with the gargantuan governor.

I don't live in New Jersey so I don't have a lot to say about Governor Christie in regard to his policies and procedures. I thought he was tremendously human during the hurricane strike and commended his courage for reaching across party lines.

That should be done more.

Yet the allegations against his office are alarming.

Would someone manufacture a traffic jam to get back at a political rival?

Did some of that hurricane relief money get held for ransom?

As with all things political there are two sides to all issues and both sides are developed in deep hatred. I both believe and not believe the allegations.

I pray to God they aren't true...but money and ego often rule the day.

What I want to speak of is the lack of true love on one side of the Springsteen-Christie relationship.

Bruce is the favorite son of New Jersey. He carries a lot of weight throughout. I've seen Bruce play in New Jersey a couple of times. The ticket is hard to come by. The love is true.

Even Chris Christie has felt it. There are reports that he's seen Bruce play live over a hundred times. There's even footage of both of them being on a stage and Christie following Bruce around in an effort to say 'Hello', and Bruce absolutely ignoring him.

And there are reasons.

Bruce is a liberal Democrat. He makes no secrets about that. He came from a dirt-poor background and he sings about rights of all people...black, gay, poor.

Yeah...he's a rich man now...but he certainly still feels as if he's a poor man in rich man's clothes. He has not abandoned what he believes. He's stood up and shouted it as well, and it may have lost him a lot of fans who think he's pretending to be compassionate.

But not Chris Christie.

In interviews Christie spoke of his love of Bruce's standing up for the not so fortunate. When Bruce finally hugged Christie after the hurricane hit, and stood-side-by-side with him...it appeared all was forgiven.

But evidently the bridge problem struck the rock star the wrong way.

At least that's how it seems.

The song was obviously a joke. I'm sure most of it was put together by Jimmy Fallon, but Bruce participated...and that had to hurt his huge fan.

When I thought about the bridge flap I considered being on a job in California.

The toilets for the 47-story hotel had been delivered early to the project. One of the superintendents got pissed off. He ordered all of the toilets moved...across the street...and hidden up on the 3rd floor of an abandoned building.

So, on a Sunday...4 laborers reported to work and started carrying the toilets from the lobby, across the street, up the stairs and out of sight.

I can't even tell you how many toilets were moved that day.

I can tell you they were heavy after awhile.

I can also tell you we were very annoyed with all of it. We were getting paid double-time to do something that was absolutely ridiculous.

We were pawns in a fight between the big shots.

And do you know what happened on Monday?

Yeah...there was a huge fight. They almost shut the job down completely.

But then there was an agreement.

And on Tuesday guess what the labor crew did?

Yep...we carried all the toilets back down the stairs and put them in their original spots.

Perhaps that's what it was all about.

I just wonder how it will play out now.

Will Christie speak out about Bruce?

Will there be a public apology?

Were the travelers really just pawns in all of it?

The only thing I truly got out of it is that Jimmy Fallon is a funny dude, and I need to watch that show more often.


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