Pathetic Moron

Playing off Corinne's wonderful descriptive word, "Pathetic" I thought of Justin Bieber.

Enough with this kid, right?

Last week he made news because he was "drag-racing" in Miami. The story says that he was stoned, drunk, and uncooperative with the police.

There are reports that his Dad helped him set up the road block so he could race in his million dollar rental car.


Yet, every single media outlet had the story and evidently a couple of news stations cut off real world news to carry the story.

The pathetic thing, you ask?

It seems to have been a staged event.

Bieber is trying to toughen up his image with the kids who like real-life tough rap guys who talk about their bitches and hoes and their glocks.

You know what he was busted doing in that 35 mph zone?

In that Lamborghini that goes 200 MPH at top speed?

Yeah...50 MPH.

I've had speeding tickets with higher speeds than that.

I thought hard about not contributing to his story by wasting a blog on him, but the smiling photo above sort of pissed me off.

Some of his fans took to the streets cheering for him.

Little girls all over the land were clamoring for him to say something. They just wanted Bieber to be all right!

Pick up your paper this morning.

I bet you'll see a number of DWI arrests. Perhaps a hit and run. A few fatal accidents related to drunk driving. And this pathetic wimp is potentially staging events to show how cool he is...and even if he isn't...he's driving stoned and after drinking...and then smiling about it?

I imagine the cop who busted him really had to control the impulse to taze the bastard...and his idiot father.

Not to mention that whatever he sing sucks.

He sounds like a 12-year-old girl.

So, I wasted a blog on him.

But I feel better now.

He's pathetic.


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