Not Gonna' Talk About It

So I resolve not to get into any discussions this year about:

1). Guns - If all those children getting slaughtered in Connecticut can't get the gun laws changed than me arguing with Joe-Six-Shooter isn't gonna' do it either. Besides I love the ignorance of it all especially when someone who can't spell 'constitution' beats me over the head with it...but I'm not being combative.

You can see that there's no point in any of it, right?

2). Obama - - Or any other political leader for that matter. Again, it's a pointless debate and once it devolves into the name-calling based on heritage it really gets depressing.

People always say that you shouldn't bring up politics or religion which takes me to point number 3.

3). Gay Marriage - Why debate this issue either? As I've mentioned countless times if gay marriage is against your religious principles then don't get gay married.

What in the world does it matter if I'm for it or against it.

4). The legalization of marijuana - what the hell? The more the merrier, huh? Someone posted on Facebook the other day (Facebook is where all the brilliant discussions take place) about what a travesty it is that smoking pot is now legal in Colorado. It was likened to the beginning of the end. From my observation of pot smokers I don't think it's much to worry about...they just all curl up and zone the hell out, don't they? My substance abusing days (mostly beer) are behind me anyways. I don't wanna' see my kids smoking crack legally someday, but hopefully I teach them enough to stay clear-headed most of the time. Besides people would spin around on their front lawns to get dizzy if you took everything away anyway.

They were smoking it before anyway!

5). Abortion - I'm always amazed by the people standing in front of the doctor's office with signs. God Bless 'em for standing up for their convictions...but does that solve anything either? The abortion issue has been debated for years and years and the only way the laws will be changed is if there is a law passed abolishing it.

I suppose that the guy with the sign is trying to change one mind, but man, it's hard to get people to do what you want them to do.

6). Robinson Cano - He's a dope.

7). The Iraq War - I see that there is horrible unrest in Iraq and that Al-Qaeda has a stronghold there. Wasn't that worth it? But you can't undo it, right? It's a dark period that doesn't need me to revisit it.

Good luck to those people...let's fix home.

8). The Bills and Sabres Poor Play - just kidding!

I enjoy that too much.

So...there you have it.

I'm sure I'll break my vow when some lunatic runs into a church, a library, a museum, a mall, a movie theater, or a place of business with a machine gun, but for mow I promise to shut-up about it.

'Cause what good does all the belly-aching really do?


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