Oh to Be Young

My niece and nephews were around all day today, playing with their cousins, eating a couple of gallons of ice cream, and sitting on our laps, laughing for hours. The photo shows them shooting hoops, riding the bike, and just playing.

Now about the kid on the bike - 3-year-old Rocco - yes, three years old! Riding the bike like Lance Armstrong - I had to tell him to sit down as he rode, and at one point he raced down the road causing my heart to really speed up.

"Turn around! Slow down!" I yelled, and it made me laugh to think that I'm telling a 3-year-old to slow down while riding a bike.

Now a few things here:

One: My kids didn't master riding a bike until they were about eight.

Two: I can't handle being a parent of small kids anymore. I was as nervous as an old lady walking on a sheet of ice. "Slow down! Behave! Quiet! Eat your food! Are you all right?" I was petrified.

Three: There just isn't anything as wonderful as family. Seeing my brothers kids for a long time didn't bring sadness - it brought happiness - the grace, innocence, and laughter of the children carried me through any down moments. Just beautiful - and it happens whenever I see any of my siblings children or the children of my wife's siblings. Smiles all around.

Four: I found the cure of the sore back - hanging around those kids. I watched Rocco fall four times while riding his bike. He jumped right up although a couple of the spills looked like the were painful.

"Down goes Frazier," he said the last time down, echoing something that I'd taught him on his last trip. We both laughed.

Five: It was a great day and for the first time in quite a few months I didn't feel my age. I felt about, oh three years old.


Cindy Lehnortt said…
I Love your strong sense of family in both yours & Carries blogs! It's a real tribute to your parents & how you were raised!
Corleone said…
I don't read chinese, but I am sure they understand the presence of a child....children...especially those we love so dearly and can see glimpes of all our young selves in them and that of our family members. Ah, I got a great fix of ALL the neices & nephews, too.. there are soooo many of them!

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