Dead Certain

I bought Sirius Radio to listen to my boy Howard Stern - which I do on a regular basis. Lately, I've caught up with Jay Thomas who used to be Carla's hockey playing husband on Cheers. Both shows are semi-sophmoric by nature, but quality entertainment.

Yet today Jay Thomas had an author on who had the pleasure of interviewing George Bush for a new book called Dead Certain. It was an interesting interview because the author explained what makes "W" tick.

Some of the interesting facts learned:

--- Bush isn't stupid. Yet he enjoys playing the regular guy who looks as if he stumbled into the presidency.

--- Bush reads - he even "Read some Shakespeares" as he said.

--- Bush is stubborn. He knows he's right and doesn't care for the people who thinks he's wrong.

--- Bush is certainly in charge. He is not just a stooge for Cheney and Rove. He lets all around him know who makes the decisions.

I certainly found the interview interesting and might even read the book. While I'm at it, I'll also grab a couple of Shakespeare's to liven things up.


Bush is stupid. He's a jack-ass, hence the stubborness, and if he read one word of Shakespeare in his adult life, I'll eat my pinky.

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