Riding it Out

We’re in a stupid place in time.

News wise, no one knows what to believe anymore and there’s an industry built on lying about crazy stuff for political points.

Yet, when it comes to being evacuated in anticipation of a storm that is promising absolute devastation….

…I’d be getting the hell out of Dodge.

Yet, it’s not all that simple for some of the people in the path of the coming storm.

Maybe they don’t have the financial means to up and leave.

I texted a friend who lives in Florida and the problem they were having was trying to figure out the best time to leave because they didn’t want to spend a dozen hours in traffic…

…which certainly would be aggravating.

Later in the day, I saw the highway jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive.

But you gotta’ go, right????

We’ve lived in this house for about 30 years. I imagine that I would be more than a little upset if I could only take what we needed for the trip and there might be a chance that the home would be gone when we come back this way.

That has to be an awful feeling…

…but you still need to go!!

Of course, social media is filled with tough guys who have never seen a storm they couldn’t survive. 

There are also those who believe that the Democrats are messing with the weather (would be some trick) and sending the storm to Republican areas to kill off some of the voters.

Or they believe that it’s all a hoax (wonder where they got that word) because science is bullshit, man!

But, if someone came riding down the street with a bullhorn to tell me that I should leave or I might die…

…I’m going.

Goodbye house.

It’s been real.

Praying that those who are asked to leave do so.

And for safety of a whole large population.


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