Jimmy Carter - 💯


In a world of poor behavior, Jimmy Carter has lived an absolutely tremendous life.

He turned 100 years old yesterday and despite the fact that he’s been in hospice for months…

…he’s hanging in there.

I’ve told the story before, but my first foray into politics was watching the presidential election between Carter and Ford with my Mom & Dad.

I got to stay up late because I had read a biography of Carter and was impressed by his life.

This is an accomplished man.

Served the country. 

Nuclear engineering is on his resume and while the uninitiated refer to him as a peanut farmer…

…he’s done it all!

Including building housing for the poor well into his late 90’s.

His presidency is wildly panned because of the gas lines and the Iran hostage situation, but many insiders have said that he was too intelligent to be a president and that he didn’t play the games that are normally played in D.C.

Regardless, in a world dominated by men of questionable moral standing, Jimmy Carter stands out as the most successful president after leaving office.

Carter wrote a number of books - I have a few on my shelves.

Good stuff.

Amazing man.

Happy Birthday to an amazing guy.


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