So Anyway

Benjamin Orr was a member of the band The Cars - he was the lead singer on Drive and a couple of their other hits.

He also put out a really good solo record, but tragically, he died young. The solo album is good and I love when they turn up on my music shuffle. “This Time Around” is a very good song, and it starts with the line:

“So many times disappointed.”

That’s the first line I heard from the first song I heard this morning.

Got me thinking.

Yankees disappointed me just a couple of weeks ago.

Sports is a real source of constant disappointment for a lot of people across this land.

I’ve hit disappointing golf shots…

…have had disappointing meals and days of work.

Disappointment is a price we pay to live, and there are ways over all sorts of things.

I listened to classic rock - an old WHO record and then straight to the Stones.

Nothing like the English invasion to calm things down.

Thank God for Mick and Keith and Pete and Roger.

About halfway through the day I was engrossed in work…

…my work day stretched from about 6:30 until 5:00 and by the end I was tired and my back was barking…

…but I didn’t think too far ahead, just enjoyed doing what I do.

Been through a truckload of disappointment.

Straight thru the darkness…

…there’s light there eventually.


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