Supreme Court Injustices

One of the Supreme Court justices has received more than $4 million in gifts.

Another has had all of his debt wiped out.

Decision after decision lately appears to be bought and paid for, and it’s certainly to be expected, but explain to me why bump stocks are legal again.

We all remember that Las Vegas shooting, don’t we?

Sixty people were killed by a man who shot a million shots in about 20 seconds because he used the bump stock to allow him to kill human beings in as rapid a fashion as he could.

Yeah. Yeah.

I’m not a gun owner or a hunter so I don’t have any right to discuss it because I don’t know what I’m talking about, right?

Well, I am a human and I live in a country where humans appear to be hunted like deer by some of those heretofore responsible gun owners.

“We should be able to own any weapon we want!”

That is the rallying cry of a fringe group of people who don’t care two hoots about people being murdered at concerts, in church, at schools, or just about anywhere else where people gather.

I’m sure the sound reasoning of this pathetic group of justices might explain it all succinctly and I may be ignorant but why the hell does one need to get off so many shots in such a short period of time?

You wouldn’t use a bump stock to hunt deer, would you?

There wouldn’t be a reason to have one if you were, say, plinking tin cans off a fence, or target practicing…

…would you?

I was on a text thread with a couple of people who were upset by the injustices decision.

“Eh, what can you do? It’s almost over,” I wrote.

I’m way past believing that the hopes and dreams of regular Americans will be realized through the help of our  government.

We’re too far broken.

I won’t ever see it completely repaired.

Going the wrong way.


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